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Anesthesia Business Consultants

Anesthesia Business Consultants

Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals | Medical Billing Software
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Product Overview

Anesthesia Business Consultants

Anesthesia Business Consultants, LLC (ABC) is the largest physician practice management company specializing exclusively in the practice of anesthesia and pain management. ABC serves several thousand anesthesiologists and CRNAs nationwide.


Coding Education

With changing guidelines and new technology, physicians face new learning curves every day. Anesthesia Business Consultants takes pride in keeping our clients educated and informed.

Anesthesia-specific ICD-10 Documentation Application

Unlike other apps in the industry that are not specialty-specific, F1RSTCode assists anesthesia providers in understanding documentation requirements without burdening them by requiring a search through the entire ICD-10 code sequence. With the changes in place under ICD-10, this unique tool will help clarify those tricky questions about how much detail to include in the diagnosis so coders may determine a specific, acceptable and appropriate code.

In a very logical and intuitive way, F1RSTCode takes you from the surgical procedure through the logic of ICD-10.

Anesthesia Touch - Anesthesia Information Management System (AIMS) Partnerships

Get The Best Anesthesia Information Management System Working for You

Electronic Anesthesia Record Mobile Software

Anesthesia Touch is an automated medical record-keeping system that streamlines the capture of real-time anesthesia data throughout the perioperative process, enabling anesthesia providers to deliver safe, effective care to patients. Built for anesthesia providers, anesthesia physician groups, ambulatory surgery centers, hospitals and office-based surgery settings, Anesthesia Touch is built to go anywhere.

It has the following components:

Anesthesia Preoperative Evaluation System

Anesthesia Consent

An Intraoperative Anesthesia Recordkeeping System

Anesthesia Postoperative Evaluation

An Administration Web Interface

Anesthesia Touch's underlying architecture and innovative user interface are unrivaled. It is integrated into your facility's registration and scheduling system, enabling the application to identify and retrieve important patient information, such as demographics, allergies, medications, and medical conditions; in the OR, it integrates with monitoring devices and machines to automatically record vitals and clinical data. Charting is fast and efficient, with purpose built screens and documentation macros for pre-operative, anesthesia, and post-operative records, there is no need to "hunt and peck" to find or document information. 

Intuitive, Fast, and Easy to Use Anesthesia Records

Designed by an anesthesiologist, Anesthesia Touch, is a full-featured, scalable, easy to use AIMS that works on an iPad and touchscreen Windows workstation, automating documentation with the following features:

Allows simultaneous record access

Enhances flexibility with both Windows and Apple iPad/iOS clients for superior portability

Captures data faster and is more comprehensive than a paper record

Optimizes perioperative workflow with robust interoperability and connectivity

Improves the quality and efficiency in the OR with an electronic intraoperative anesthesia record that is easy to use

Saves time by automatically capturing physiologic data, thereby eliminating manual data entry

Streamlines preoperative workflow with real-time integration by accessing patient registration, surgery schedules, patient assessment, and lab results

Improves reimbursement with an easily searchable coding module that provides clinicians with full access to ICD-10 and CPT with crosswalk to ASA anesthesia codes

Allows clinicians to quickly and easily complete postop documentation and electronically sign off on the case

Streamlines the billing process by electronically delivering complete documentation to the billing office

Promotes compliance with national quality initiatives, such as PQRS/QCDR and NACOR

Enhances accessibility and quality of patient data for research and analytics

Automates medication and supply charge capture

Electronic Anesthesia Record Documentation with iOS or Windows

The Anesthesia Touch solution is available as both a Windows application and an iOS (iPad) app—choose either or both. The mobility of a hybrid or tablet solution is a strong complement to anesthesia workflow, as anesthesiologists provide care in many physical locations. Clinicians can document on one platform and return to the case on another based on what's available near the patient.

Anesthesia Touch leverages the simplicity of deploying and supporting on both platforms, from one-click application installs, to server side configuration and automatic updates. Anesthesia Touch truly has the simplicity of an app.

Patient Satisfaction

Patient Satisfaction Leads to Better Decisions

Effective monitoring of patient satisfaction levels is essential to decision making. Consistent updates help you make the most educated decisions. The ability to view patient data and review patient comments leads to a fuller view of the process. Improve your anesthesia process with an effective patient monitoring system.

Survey Vitals Offers Around-the-Clock Awareness, Increasing Patient Satisfaction

Survey Vitals provides physician practices and hospitals with immediate, understandable, and actionable constituent feedback through a proprietary, electronic survey process with automated sending method. Easy to administer surveys with low bias and immediate reporting provide the data required for continuous improvement and increased patient, employee and physician satisfaction. Survey Vitals measures medical constituencies and requirements including: patient experience, physician satisfaction, employee perceptions of leadership, safety and peer-to-peer evaluations at all levels.

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