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Energy & Environment | Mining Software
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Product Overview


3D Model Creation

Constructing rockfall models is easier and faster than ever. Import ground surfaces from geological modelling or mine planning software or with the Terrain Generator, import digital elevation models directly from satellite data coordinates to speed up the model creation process.

Integration with RocFall2

The integration of RocFall3 with its 2D counterpart RocFall2 allows you to import models directly from RocFall2 and extrude the geometry to easily create a 3D model. You can also define a 2D section within a full 3D model and export it back to RocFall2 with predefined materials and parameters to seamlessly run 2D analysis.

3D Barrier Design & Analysis

Analysis of rockfall stabilization measures is crucial to any slope design. RocFall3’s barrier logic is designed after Rocfall2 which provides flexibility in having an unlimited number of barriers, deformable barriers, energy capacity, elongation, adjustable heights, and more.


Project Settings :

Select from Lumped Mass and Rigid Body Methods

Scale normal coefficient of restitution by rock mass or impact velocity

Psuedo-random number generation for repeatable results

Advanced simulation settings

Lumped Mass Method :

Model each rock as a particle with only mass

Use both normal and tangential coefficients of restitution

Models pseudo-rotation

Sliding with friction angle

Rigid Body Method :

Spherical rocks

Define rock size

Non-smooth dynamics impact mechanism

Use both normal and tangential coefficients of restitution

Seeders :

Specify single location, line seeders, plane seeders

Unlimited number of starting locations

Probability settings for each seeder

Slope :

Statistically defined material properties

Common type material properties library

Import .obj, .dxf, dtm and other common geometry files

Define material regions

Texture Mapping:

Assign texture image to the slope

Terrain Generator :

Built in app to import slope geometry and texture mapping from satellite data

Enhanced Barrier Analysis :

Unlimited number of barriers

Barrier properties

Built in barrier properties library from major manufacturers

Graph barrier impact statistics

Output :

Detailed Rock Path Information

Copy graphs/plots to clipboard

Transfer plots to Excel with one click

Copy geometry/parameters to clipboard

Advanced report generation

Save screen to image file or capture to clipboard

Animate rockfall results

Save computed paths

Graphs Produced :

Histogram of rock endpoint locations

Path Contours

Surface Heat Maps

Filters :

Define advanced filters based on combinations of criteria

Report Generator :

Adding Views to your Report

Export report to pdf

Verification :

Extensive verification manual

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