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Energy & Environment | Mining Software
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Product Overview


Underground Wedge Stability Analysis

Analyze underground tunnel excavations with intersecting discontinuities and visualize the model in 3D. Determine the stability of tetrahedral wedges formed along the tunnel perimeter and ends, and calculate their respective support requirements to achieve the design factor of safety.

Probabilistic Analysis

Obtain probability of failure for probabilistic models using limit equilibrium analysis. Model variability in joint orientation and strength, water pressure, field stress, and supports, by assigning statistical distributions to variables. Obtain wedge location-specific probabilistic plots (histogram, cumulative, and scatter) around the tunnel perimeter.

Support Designer

Achieve the design factor of safety by adding supports like pattern or spot bolts, layers of shotcrete, or uniform pressure to the boundary. The support designer provides specialized views for adding, editing, and visualizing perimeter and end supports.


Excavation :

Define/Edit opening section

Import/Export .dxf fi les

Axis trend/plunge

Analyze tunnels, caverns, shafts, and intersections

Joints :

Orientation (dip/dip direction)

Import from Dips

Stereonet view

Multiple joint combinations

Joint combination analyzer

Shear strength (Mohr-Coulomb, Barton-Bandis, Power Curve)


Joint structure continuity

Water pressure

Loading :

Seismic loading

Field stress


Bolt force

Water pressure

Probabilistic Analysis :

Statistical distributions—normal, uniform, triangular, beta, exponential, lognormal, gamma

Fisher distribution for joint orientations

Histogram, cumulative, and scatter plots

Import joint set statistics from Dips

Monte Carlo or Latin Hypercube simulation

Random or pseduo-random sampling

Highlight failed wedges on plots

View all results from multiple joint combinations of three different joints at once

Stress Analysis :

Constant field stress

Gravity field stress

Advanced analysis options

View stress contours

Support :

2D design views

Pattern bolting, shotcrete, pressure, and spot bolting

Bolt models – Anchored, Grouted Dowel, Cables, Swellex, Split Sets, and user-defined

Bolt orientation efficiency

Interactive editing

Bolt force diagrams

Tunnel Axis Plots :

Optimize axis orientation

Vary trend and/or plunge

Contour plots or 3D charts

2D charts with secondary data

User-defined data

Viewing Options :

3D wedge view (orthogonal and perspective views)

Multi-perspective view

End-wedge view

Probability view

Wedge visibility

Move wedges

Easily rotate, zoom, and pan


Display options

Wedges :

Tetrahedral or prismatic wedges using Goodman/Shi block theory

Perimeter wedges

End wedges

Failure modes—falling, sliding, lifting, stable

Scale wedge size

Ground surface wedge truncation

Failure mode filter

Minimum wedge size filter

EC7 design standards

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