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Address Geocode

Sales Software | Contact Management

Product Overview

DOTS Address Geocode

Translate Addresses to Precise Geo-Coordinates

From risk assessment to shipping logistics, when you need precision beyond an address, our Geocode products provide rooftop longitude and latitude coordinates for addresses all over the world.


Real-time global longitude and latitude

Our Address Geocode services are real-time geocoding APIs that translate any global address to latitude and longitude coordinates and works in the reverse, translating geo-coordinates to addresses.

Address Geocode – US

Address Geocode — US expands your geo-location intelligence by translating addresses and geo-coordinates into usable data. Leveraging our US address expertise, both addresses and geo-coordinates are validated using a combination of authoritative postal and spatial data to return pinpoint accuracy.

Address to Geo-coordinates  — addresses are corrected and standardized using our industry-leading US address validation engine. This enables Address Geocode – US to reach near-perfect match rates when translating an address to roof-top level latitude and longitude coordinates.

Geo-coordinates to Address — Latitude and longitude coordinates are translated to valid and precise US addresses.

Features and Benefits

Superior Match Rates

Our geocoding service leverages Service Objects’ address expertise to provide powerful and accurate results in real-time.   

Both addresses and geo-coordinates are validated using a combination of authoritative USPS postal and spatial data providing more precise results

Advanced AI references multiple authoritative data sets to maximize match rate and accuracy.

Beyond the Coordinates

Authoritative sources including US Census Bureau, USPS ZIP+4 tables, and other proprietary databases provide supplemental information including:

Reverse geocode enables your business to translate geo-coordinates to USPS certified addresses at no extra cost

Data points including census tract, state and county FIPS, block codes, congress codes, time zones and more

Distance to water estimates using address or geo-coordinates

Provides custom URLs for popular mapping tools.

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