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Spitfire Management

Spitfire Project Management System

Construction | Construction Accounting Software
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Product Overview

Spitfire Project Management System bridges the gap between construction project management, project accounting and financial systems.


  • Accuracy
  • A project involves many people, many tasks, many details and many cost items. If you worry about details falling through the cracks or mistakes being made and you want to minimize your risks, the Spitfire Project Management System can help you. Spitfire keeps track of your projects and related financial information, and alerts you to potential problems before they happen.

  • Current Technology
  • Flexible deployment and powerful integration go hand-in-hand with modern software architecture. If you are concerned that your current software is outdated and ineffective, the Spitfire Project Management System can put your mind at ease. Spitfire is constantly being updated to make use of newer technologies. Once you are on a maintenance agreement or subscription agreement, you will receive all updates and new versions free of charge.

  • Integration
  • A typical project involves many software programs used by team members both inside and outside your organization. If you want a system that integrates both horizontally and vertically with other technology, the Spitfire Project Management System can help you. Spitfire was designed to work with other software your team relies on, to increase efficiency. Spitfire can integrate with popular accounting systems, cloud storage providers, and DocuSign, as well as work with output from your estimating software.

  • Exceptional Pricing
  • We offer various acquisition and deployment options, so you can choose the right-sized configuration for your operation. Our all-in-one Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offerings start at a low price per user per month, so there is no large upfront cost. Or you can deploy the Spitfire software onto your own virtual or physical infrastructure, either in the cloud or using on-premises servers, with very competitive and consistent core-based pricing (that will not go up because of additional users, projects or greater annual construction volume).

  • Cloud Or Self-Hosted
  • There is no deployment method that works best for all, so we offer you both cloud and self-hosted deployment options.  If you want your system kept and maintained off-site so that you don’t have to deal with servers or worry about backups, a cloud deployment is a good option. If you want to have the system at your location and maintain control over infrastructure, costs and the scheduling of upgrades, the self-hosted model works for you. Not sure? We can go over the pros and cons of these straightforward options with you.

  • Secure Access
  • You are in control of who sees and accesses what in the Spitfire Project Management System. Spitfire is designed for role-based access control (RBAC). Role-based permissions make it easy to change what individuals or group of users can access and do in the system, helping you meet your own statutory and regulatory requirements for privacy and confidentiality. Permissions can be modified as deemed appropriate, all under your control. 

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